Thursday, April 26, 2012

The “Facebook Timeline” has arrived! (almost)

I have spent most of the day messing with the KAP Art facebook page, preparing for the change in format brought about by the new “Timeline” layout. The change over will become mandatory for all facebook users. The best thing about the format change is it forces us to become current with the times. The facebook community has been pre warned and encouraged to switch formats long before the quickly approaching deadline. There has been a lot of moaning, and discontent with the way the new page flows… or maybe the complaints are due to the effort necessary to make the change. I don’t know, but as a business, I think the change could be good.

What I do know is…

1.The “Cover” photo, the largest image along the top of the page needs to be 850 x 315 pixels. If you have know how, you can create a cool collage or some epic image only limited by your imagination.

2. The “Profile” photo, usually of your beautiful face, the face of someone you love, or in our case our logo needs to fit into 180 x 180 pixels.

3. If you care to highlight a post, which makes it fill up the entire horizontal margin of your page, its size can be 843 x 843 pixels. That is one big image.

4. For all the little images that run below your “Cover” photo, the perfect size for them is 111 x 74 pixels.

5. The best thing…we finally got our “Like” button back! It’s been missing for sometime and after much research and questioning with out any success it happened all by itself when we made the format change. Trust me, I wasn’t alone in the search for the ever elusive “like” button.

What I don’t know is…a lot. I will continue to learn along with everyone else. It does sound like your past could come back and bite you. Got skeletons in your closet? The Timeline makes for easy history access, so be prepared.

Good luck to you as you negotiate through the change over. If you have any insight or great hints about the new Facebook Timeline send us a comment. We always love to hear from our followers.


  1. Thank you for answering my question I didn’t even know I had regarding the Facebook “cover photo.” I haven’t upgraded yet, but I should have assumed the resolution would have to fit the size, duh! I am putting off the change, but like you say, it is better to be in control of that change. I just don’t like the way the status’ show up in a strange order. I noticed the “Timeline” description is used for the Facebook app on the Hopper whole-home DVR but yet I still have the old “Wall” format. I wonder if that would change if I updated to Timeline; I could ask a Dish co-worker that has Timeline though. I like how the Hopper app lets me see the photos of my Facebook friends that have a Hopper and use the Facebook app too; I can keep up with their lives better that way.

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