Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 Resolutions and Trends

Welcome to the year 2012. It seems every year passes a little more quickly than the prior year. In turn, the making of “New Years Resolutions” seems to come at much shorter intervals. Have you made resolutions for the coming year?

One of my favorite bloggers and social media gurus Ray Hiltz posted “3 Self Improvement Tips for 2012” full of good ideas as well as links to other suggestions for the New Year. A resolution to follow him would be a great resolution for 2012.

If you want your new years resolution to focus on up coming trends, here is a blog post (a Ray Hiltz recommendation) by Aaron Lee: “5 Social media trends that will lead 2012”. Are you wondering where to put your marketing dollars? This article could be pretty helpful and is worth reading through to the end.

Here’s my resolution, I’m saying this out loud…I resolve to follow the blogs that will help me become better informed and understand the world of Social Media Marketing. There, I said it. I will pass on good information to you to help keep you informed as well.

Happy New Year!


  1. Thank you very much for the kind words, Cindy.
    I'm very happy that you enjoy my posts and truly appreciate you glowing recommendation.
    Have a wonderful New Year!
    Ray Hiltz

  2. My pleasure. It's all true. Have a great New Year.
